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ProMow Mower FAQ | Lawn Care FAQ

Q. What is the best mowing speed that you recommend?
A. For best results, the mowing speed should not exceed 4 MPH (equals a brisk walk pace).

Q. What height should I cut my grass?
A. This depends on grass type, use of lawn, and location. A height of 1 ½” to 2 1/2″ is the most popular height range.

Q. How much storage space does a 7 gang ProMow unit need?
A. 72″ x 40″ for a 7 gang unit.

Q. How often do the blades need sharpened?
A. Depending on the amount of use. Generally, “Back Lap” 1 time per year, preferably at the beginning of the season.

Q. Will I need to lubricate anything?
A. Yes, the axle needs periodic lubrication. Also would recommend a light coat of WD-40 or similar oil on the cutting surfaces to prevent any rust forming.

Q. How often do I need to mow?
A. Repeat at 1/2 – 1″ of new growth. The best cut is achieved when small amounts are cut. For the health of the grass, do not cut more than 1/3 of the length of grass at any one cut.

Q. What is the lowest height settings?
A. 5/8” is the lowest – 2 ¾” is the highest cut

Q. What if I have a lot of hills and hollows?
A. All ProMow unit reels float-n-flex. The reels will not scalp, your lawn will have a nice carpet look when cut by ProMow.

Q. What is the turn radius of a ProMow?
A. All our larger units have a zero turn radius when pulled by a lawn tractor.

Q. What is a “Backlap Kit”?
A. “Backlap Kit” is a sharpening kit available from ProMow. It sharpens both the reel and cutter bar by turning the reels the opposite direction from cutting.

Q. I have a lot of weeds in my yard, is this going to cause a problem?
A.Tall weeds are not friendly to reel type mowers. We would recommend weed spray be used to rid lawn of this condition. Your lawn grass will thicken when the weeds are eliminated. Reel mowers are designed to be finish cut mowers.

Q. Can I take the ProMow over asphalt, stone or cement?
A. Yes. You can go short distances at a slow speed as long as any stones are not larger then the height of the lowest blade.

Q. Is there a transport kit available?
A. Yes, there is a transport kit available for the Sport Series only. It is listed as a Lift Kit.

Q. Is there a “Warranty?
A. Yes, the frame has a 2 yr. and the reels have a 1 yr. limited warranty.

Q. How many blades are there on each reel?
A. The Gold Series Reel has 6 blades. The Pro Series Reel has 5 blades. And the Premium Reel has 8 blades.

Q. How much power do I need to pull the ProMow?
A. 7 to 16 hp is all that is needed.

Q. Do I need any wheel weights?
A. No, the patented frame was designed to apply down force without added weight, thereby, eliminating need for added weight.

Q. Can I mow with the wings up?
A. Yes, for a short distance. Not recommended for large areas.

Q. Can I pull my ProMow with my ATV?
A. Yes, speeds in excess of a brisk walk (4mph) are not recommended and will void your warranty if it is determined a speed related issue.

Q. Can I mow rough terrain?
A. Yes, Slow down speed, avoid bouncing mower. Rough terrain and excessive speed can be destructive and possibly can void the warranty.

Q. How do I store my ProMow?
A. Dry shelter is recommended.

Q. How can I obtain assistance with maintenance or repair?
A. Call toll free (877)477-6669. We can help you. Please be near your mower when calling. This will help you better understand the solution we suggest. If needed, you can UPS the Reel in question for the ProMow Technician to correct. Parts are readily available if needed. Parts orders are shipped same day or following day depending on arrival time of the order.

Q. Can I mow if a reel is damaged?
A. Yes, unlike a rotary mower where breakage shuts you down, just remove the damaged reel from the unit and continue mowing. You will have a smaller cut, but you can finish the job.

Q. What is better about the Reel cut vs. the Rotary mower cut?
A. The reel cuts like a scissors, it pinches the grass as it cuts which tends to seal the tip of the cut grass greatly reducing moisture loss. The rotary cut is a whipping cut that will shatter the tip of the grass exposiing a greater area for moisture loss. This is one reason a reel mower can cut grass lower and still maintains a nice green, healthy lawn. The Reel cut is less stressful to your lawn! For this reason, Reels are recommended for cuts shorter than 3” while the Rotary should be used for cuts 3” and longer.

Q. What is the life of a Reel mower?
A. We have sold the ProMow Gang Mowers for almost 20 years. Many are still being used today. We have noticed that the limiting factor in determining the life of these mowers is management and care, not so much the amount of use.

Q. What has been the best form of advertising for ProMow?
A. We have found the many Happy Satisfied Customers telling friends and neighbors about us to be the #1 source of our advertisement.

Q. Would you recommend the Reel Mower for everyone?
A. No, we would recommend the reels to only those who would like to have a lawn that they can be proud of. We do not adapt well to lawns that you only want to cut after they have grown tall. The Reel mower is designed for a finish cut only. If you want a rough cut, the reel mower is not what you want.

Q. Where can I find help in determining if it is the reel or rotary mower I need?
A. Call ProMow (877)477-6669. We will help you! We are not searching for sales. We are looking for customers that will be happy with our product! If the product is not for your application we will tell you!